Villa Park - Aston Villa
Capacity: 42,682
Address: Villa Park, Trinity Rd, Birmingham, B6 6HE
Contact: 0121 327 2299
Website: www.avfc.co.uk
Nearest station: Witton
Visitor stand: Doug Ellis stand
Villa Park's postcode is B6 6HE. In general you will find Aston Villa as a Point of Interest (POI) in most satellite navigation units.
When parking at the stadium on a non-matchday, you should access Villa Park via the Witton Road entrance, and should therefore use B6 6QE as the postcode.
On matchdays you must not use the stadium or postcode as your destination, unless you have access to stadium car parks (permit only).
You should plan your journey in advance according to which direction you are travelling from and identify the official car park you intend to use.
Allow plenty of time to park and walk to the stadium - the earlier the better.
The further away you park, the easier your journey home after the match will be.
The two nearest train stations to Villa Park are Witton and Aston.
The information below is an approximate guide and it is recommended you plan your journey at Network West Midlands or by visiting West Midlands Railway.
Aston Station
Aston Station is approximately 15 minutes on foot from Villa Park
Trains from London Euston run to Birmingham New Street, where fans will have to change trains and travel to Aston.
Witton Station
Witton Station is approximately five minutes on foot from Villa Park.
Trains from London Euston run to Birmingham New Street, where fans will have to change trains and travel to Witton.